
I want to capture your family’s love, whoever you are!


01. Newborns

Happen once in a lifetime - a celebration of new life and love. Gentle, baby focused & relaxed



fee $200



Timeless, gentle, naturally posed.

Baby focused & relaxed. Family centred celebration of new life & love

Newborn packages begin from $650 and include:

  • studio session in South Morang, North-East of Melbourne

  • access to my newborn essentials —outfits, wraps, swaddles, accessories and more

  • access to my extensive Client Closet for Mums

  • digital files (provided in both colour and black & white)

  • printed keepsakes (selected collections)

  • online gallery with print rights for downloading your images

    Elegant Maternity Studio Session is available as add on (with savings)

Sessions are available for brand new babies 5-21days + older newborns - up to 3rd month of age.




02. Maternity

A celebration of the fleeting moment in time that deserves to be bottled up and cherished forever


Fee $200

Elegant & beautiful

For bellies of all shapes and sizes, done anytime although best suited from the moment tummy is showing

  • 60 min session (includes partners + older children portraits if desired)

  • private online gallery

  • high res jpg files

  • access to studio’s collection of beautiful maternity dresses



03. Family

You & your loved ones


all inclusive, $1350

Relaxed, free, full of love

studio / fields / woodlands / beach / park / bush*

No fee, all inclusive collection:

  • 90 minutes studio or outdoor session

  • min 50 images (high res jpg files)

  • private online gallery

  • picture in frame, 9x9in


    $100 loyalty discount for existing clients**

    Please contact me for a quote if you are planning for an extended family shoot

    * Distance greater than 30km from the Studio may attract mileage fees, please discuss details

    ** Refers to all previous full price bookings of Maternity, Newborn, Family, Baby, Birthday, Motherhood. Does not apply to previous promotional offerings like Mini Sessions or Christmas Sessions.



04. babies

Beautiful milestones & celebrations


Fee $100

Natural, sweet and full of details

Studio milestone sessions, sitter sessions. For babies and children age from 4 month up to teens!

There are THREE collection options available to choose from

  • studio session (South Morang)

  • digital images

  • private online gallery

  • low resolution images for social sharing

  • collections start from $400

    $50 loyalty discount for all existing clients

For additional children add $100/person (sitter twin session/older sibling etc)

Saturday baby sessions can be arranged on request and are subject to availability & small fee

happy babies on their sitter session looking into the camera and smiling


05. birthdays

Cake Smash & First Birthday sessions


fee $100

Sweet & beautiful milestones & celebrations

Suited for babies between 11-14 months old

  • studio session

  • digital images

  • private online gallery

  • low resolution images for social sharing

  • collections start from $450

    $50 loyalty discount for all existing clients

Saturday birthday sessions can be arranged on request and are subject to availability and small fee





06. Motherhood

for the sentimental Mama



from $450


Timeless, naturally posed, relaxed & fun

  • 1hour in studio

  • Private online gallery

  • digital images